
Showing posts from January, 2021

चित्रकाव्यम्। माध्यमभाषया लिखत।Chitrakavyam Madhyambhasa Answers |

😄 माध्यमभाषया उत्तरत। 1) ‘कं  संजघान ’  इति  श्लोकं माध्यमभाषया स्पष्टीकुरुत।       The above question is from the poetry lesson चित्रकाव्यम् , which means image poetry. Such lessons enhance the intellectual power and knowledge of children.      This verse is an example of अन्तरलाप .  There are four questions, which are given in the verse and the answer of each of them is hidden in the question itself. This is the beauty of शब्दालड्लार .  The answer to the question is obtained by combining or dropping a particular letter (in the question)  1)    The first question is  कं संजघान कृष्णः?  Whom did Krishna kill? By combining  कं  and  सं,  the answer is obtained –  कंसं जघान कृष्णः।  (Kansa) 2)    The second question is  का शीतलवाहिनी गड्गा?  Which (part of) Ganga is coolly flowing? By combining   का  ...